Commission MEETINGS

The Florida Commission on Human Relations (Commission) is comprised of 12 members appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate.  The Commission has the power to adopt, promulgate, amend, and rescind rules to effectuate the purposes and policies of the agency, and govern the proceedings of the Commission.  To do this, the Commissioners meet quarterly to hear staff reports, consider rule proposals, and conduct other agency business. 

Business meetings of the Commission are subject to Florida Sunshine Laws and are open to the public.  Please make note of the following: 

  • If you want to request to speak on an agenda item, sign up by emailing the Clerk of the Commission at before close of business, two days prior to the scheduled meeting.  The Chairman will introduce the speakers by name at the beginning of the meeting. Please be ready to speak when called.

  • The Commission shall maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout the meeting.  Conduct or speech that creates a disruption may lead the Chair to ask the disruptor(s) to leave the meeting.  Personal attacks or threats of any kind will not be tolerated. 

  • A time limit of two minutes has been established for individual speakers. 

  • The minutes of a meeting are a synopsis of what was done at a meeting, not a transcription of a meeting.  The adoption of the minutes, including any corrections, shall be voted on at the next Commission meeting.   


Fiscal Year 2024-25

Next Meetings

July 25, 2024


October 15, 2024

Past Meetings

January 23, 2025
