Public Accommodations

It is unlawful for an individual to be denied access or to receive poor service or lesser quality accommodations because of his or her race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, disability, familial status or religion.

Who Can File?

It is against the law for an individual to be denied access or to receive poor service or lesser quality accommodations because of his or her race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, disability, familial status or religion.

Floridians and visitors to the state may file a complaint when:

  • Not given full and equal access to the goods and services of restaurants, hotels and motels, gasoline stations, theaters, and certain other public places or accommodations without discrimination or segregation.

  • Certain private clubs discriminate in how they accept or deny members (under limited circumstances).

  • When the alleged discriminatory act occurred in the last 365 days.

How To File?

public accommodations Discrimination Questionnaire

If you have questions, please contact us at (850) 488-7082. 

The Process

  • Filing a complaint – You must file a complaint with the Commission within 365 days of the date the alleged act of discrimination took place. Once your complaint is processed, you will be advised of your rights and responsibilities.

  • Mediation – This is a process in which an impartial person helps parties resolve their dispute prior to a lengthy investigation.

  • Investigation – If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, the Commission will conduct a full investigation that is objective, timely, and efficient.

  • Determination – A determination is issued indicating whether or not there is adequate evidence of discrimination.

  • Notification – You will be notified of the Commission’s determination and will receive instructions on how to seek the remedies provided for under the law, which could result in a hearing or civil action in a court of law.