When resources are available, these are trainings that are offered by the Commission:
Helping Businesses Achieve the Bottom Line
This training will help businesses achieve their bottom line by learning about discrimination laws and how they affect employees and employers; tips on how employers may prevent instances that result in charges of discrimination; the A to Z of how the Commission handles discrimination complaints and the value of mediation in resolving discrimination cases.
Fair Housing
This training covers the federal and state Fair Housing Acts and other relevant housing laws as well as addresses housing discrimination issues facing Florida. This presentation can be tailored to landlords and/or tenant groups.
The Florida Civil Rights Act
This workshop is designed to explain Florida's civil rights laws in understandable terms. Time needed for presentation will depend on the depth and span of the area of civil rights discussed.
Disability Rights
This workshop focuses on disability discrimination in employment, housing and certain public accommodations as it relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR)
This presentation is often given in conjunction with other topics. It focuses on the FCHR and its role in eliminating and preventing discrimination within the state. An overview of the complaint process and FCHR statistics are provided.
Sexual Harassment
This training includes tips on how to create a harassment-free work environment. The training is designed for multiple audiences and can be tailored for managers and (or) employees.
FCHR Training Request Form