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FCHR Deliberation Hearing

  • Florida Commission on Human Relations 4075 Esplanade Way Unit 110 Tallahassee, FL, 32399 (map)

The Florida Commission on Human Relations announces a public hearing to which all persons are invited.

DATE AND TIME: Thursday, October 17, 2024, 10:00 a.m., ET.

PLACE: This is a virtual meeting being conducted via Microsoft Teams: Join the meeting now or via telephone: (850) 270-6017, phone conference I.D.: 319 892 672#.

PURPOSE: The Commission Panel will conduct a non-evidentiary deliberation hearing and vote on the disposition of the matters identified below.  Neither the parties nor their representatives are required to attend this hearing.  No requests for oral argument were filed by an eligible party pursuant to Rule 60Y-4.028(3), Florida Administrative Code, so oral argument will not be heard in those cases, and continuances will not be granted.  Upon conclusion of the hearing, an order will be issued for each matter reflecting the vote of the Commission Panel.   


1.  Emily Klein on behalf of CK and ZK v. Busch Gardens of Tampa, DOAH 23-4059, FCHR 2023-41365

2.  Emily Klein v. Busch Gardens of Tampa, DOAH 23-4063, FCHR 2023-41364

3. Robert Truong and Thanh Van Nguyen v. Canterbury Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.; Excelsior Community Management, LLC, et al.., DOAH 24-0336, FCHR 2023-39064

4. Camille Abboud v. NextEra, Inc.; Florida Power Light, DOAH 23-2987, FCHR 2023-40106

5. Jenice C. Clouse v. Applebee's Neighborhood Restaurant Partners, DOAH 24-2187, FCHR 2024-54080

6. Reymon Chancay v. Elev8 Fun Tampa, DOAH 24-2094, FCHR 2024-52075

7. Donald and Janet Buchanan v. Ridge Acres Phase II Homeowners Association, Inc.; Carmani Enterprises, LLC; and Valerie Blake-Jones, DOAH 24-1960, FCHR 2024-59669

8. Emily Cassese v. The Social, DOAH 24-1338, FCHR 2024-44294

9. Dawn Hood v. Camp Inn Associates, LLC, et al., DOAH 24-0281, FCHR 2022-36489

AUTHORITY:  Sections 120.569, 120.57, 760.01-760.37, and 509.092, Florida Statutes.

ACCOMMODATION REQUESTS:  In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should advise the agency at least 5 days before the hearing by contacting the Clerk of the Commission,, (850) 488-7082, or at 4075 Esplanade Way, Room 110, Tallahassee, FL 32399.

RECORD:  A court reporter will record the hearing.  Parties may obtain a transcript of the proceedings directly from the court reporter.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Inquiries may be directed to the Clerk of the Commission. 

Earlier Event: October 15
FCHR Quarterly Commission Meeting
Later Event: November 27
FCHR is Closed